17 votes
Apr 27, 2015

No, I don't think it should be allowed. Look all the way back in history where one man and one woman were the requirement for a marriage. What has happened in this age to make us question the wisdom of that? The fact that homosexuals are out of the closet and demanding rights that historically have not been granted to them? What is different now that gay marriage should be entertained?

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1 vote,
Apr 27, 2015

Interestingly enough, exactly that same argument was used to justify slavery.

Everyone has always done it, so it must be right !
And it allows for it in the Bible, so it must be right.
What is different now that makes slavery so wrong?

And the simple answer is that society has started to grow up, and decided that it is more fair, and just, to allow everyone to be treated equally, no matter their color, or race, or religion, or gender.
And just because society has discriminated against gays (of both sexes) for millennia, doesn't make it right, in the same way that allowing slavery for millennia didn't make it right.

main reply
1 vote,
Apr 27, 2015

>What has happened in this age to make us question the wisdom of that? The fact that homosexuals are out of the closet and demanding rights that historically have not been granted to them?

Well, yeah. Why would this be a bad thing?

main reply
1 vote,
Apr 27, 2015

> What has happened in this age to make us question the wisdom of that?

I'm more interested in hearing why you think there is any wisdom in it.

> What is different now that gay marriage should be entertained?

We have invented the concepts of liberty, human rights and democracy. That's what's different.

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